Call for Papers
Abstract submission deadline date is 14 June 2019.
Participants interested in presenting their original papers are invited to submit a 300 word abstract
by the above date to the JISSE-16 Office. (jisse-16*[Please replace * with @.])
学生セッションで発表する講演の中から、審査を経てStudent Presentation Awardを授与いたします。学生セッションでの発表を希望する場合、申込みメールに「学生セッション希望」と記載して申し込みください。
【Announcement】Student session
Selected presentations in the student sessions will be awarded as "Student Presentation Award".Please notice the application to student sessions in the submission e-mail, when applicants are willing to have presentations in the student sessions. In the student sessions, mini-presentation and poster presentations are required.
This is a good chance to see persons from industries and let the companies know the applicants.
Presentations by the industries are planned in the session too.
【お知らせ】Extended Abstractの提出について
発表申込者に対して、6月中旬頃までに発表可否につきましてメールで通知いたします。その際、Extended Abstractの提出の案内を差し上げます。
Extended Abstractは6ページ以内で下記の書式に従って、7月31日までにメールにて提出をお願いいたします。
【Announcement】Submission of Extended Abstract
The acceptance of the submitted presentation will be notified by the middle of June.The e-mail will include how to prepare and submit the extended abstract.
Please prepare the extended abstract using the format (see the file below), and submit it by e-mail by 31st July, 2019.
Template for Extended Abstract
Technical session themes
JISSE-16 welcomes abstracts concerning the following session topics: